In the follow-up audit we focus on determining if the activities comply with the regulations established by the competent authorities. Compliance audits are carried out to evaluate whether the operations concerning fiscal management, financial management and information comply, in all significant aspects.
Documents that serve as a guide to carry out accounting procedures in an organization in which the policies to be followed for the correct management of each account are detailed in order to guarantee that financial information is more transparent.
Accounting Outsourcing, the taxpayer, be it a natural person or company, does not need to have a full-time accountant, the development of accounting activities would be in charge of the external private accounting organization ASSOCIATED AUDITORS EMCP in on 100%, which would carry out the tasks that They are normally in charge of the Accountant, through the execution of the procedures.
For a company to stay in competition and be profitable in the medium and long term, it needs to promote new product development plans or redesign existing ones, create advertising campaigns, remodel its production plants, renew transportation fleets, acquire land and buildings for expansion. . All this is only feasible if you have the financial resources necessary to finance these plans..
Since January 1, 2007, the Dominican Republic has entered a stage of economic dynamism and strict fiscal control over commercial operations at all levels. During 2008 and 2009, the control and supervision mechanisms of the tax authorities on companies have been refined, specifically on small and medium businesses, which represent 95% of Dominican companies.